Library Automation Solution
RFID based library, automates the processes in library management. Keeping the records of books to self-issue and return, everything gets automated with the help of RFID Tags.
RFID Desktop Reader
Reading the accession number of book by just placing the books on desktop reader, helps the librarian of fast track the process of issue and return of books for the students.
RFID Gates
An RFID gate with alarm reduces the risk of book thefts by only allowing the issued books to get pass from the gates.
Handheld Reader
Handheld RFID reader helps employees of library to retrieve the data of books in library. This can tracks the location of books and gives alert in case of data mismatch.
Self-Issue and Return Kiosk
Interactive issue/return kiosk helps students to issue and return books in the absence of librarian. With the help of multiple kiosk in library, queue can be managed easily.